4 min readMay 8, 2021


Educational Reforms is the Demand of Time
A renowned maxim by Jeannie Fulbright reads “If the purpose for learning is to score high on a test, we’ve lost sight of the real reason for learning”
Is education really about job security? In my opinion, students are taught at home to study hard and score high to fulfill their desired goals. In other words, what I perceived is that education is ultimately the advocator of job security but this is not the case.

Our education system has deep agrarian foundations without innovative reforms. Why don’t students have an attitude of inquiring about things, why they accept the things the way they are taught? Students need to learn the art of revisiting things. An individual learns through interaction, researching, experiencing, practicing, and questioning.

Students usually assume things and idealize situations such as after getting an education, we’ll be having a lavish lifestyle, and all our problems particularly financial problems will resolve. But as they gain education, they realize that wasn’t the way cash flows. Students need to develop the habit of reading but unfortunately, we lack reading culture as a society. There are hardly any students in schools or colleges who read books other than course books.
 As an individual grows older, soon when he realizes the market rules; he sees it isn’t the way he was working for. A bachelor’s degree graduate after 16 years of education realizes that he can’t get his desired job by his degree and high academic achievements. After struggling more and more either by pursuing higher education or doing some private job, one realizes that this wasn’t the way he was told about, this isn’t the way how things work. In contrast, in the developed world particularly in the west, students start earning in their high schools by doing a part-time job and become independent. Don’t you think financial independence in student life is worthwhile? We must encourage a few people who are self-made or are striving to support their education. We as a society need to adopt these tips and tricks. I believe this can save, myriads of jobless graduates from unemployment and prevent several other heinous crimes.
It’s a traditional concept that when a daughter is born, her career is decided yet she doesn’t know what career is, she’ll be my proud, a doctor by the profession that is what is said by her father or family. For centuries, if there’s a bright student at school; it’s assumed that he will be a doctor. No one cares about either he wants to pursue medical or not.
Why so? I think it’s because a doctor in society was once paid high, may it be in terms of money, fame, or respect. In other words, it ensured job security back then. But these days it might not work the way it used to do so in the past decades.
Poor parents feed their children to work hard and burn the midnight oil night to get financial security i.e., to get a handsome job to earn more money. When a poor child asks his parents for money or puts his wishes forward, he’s often pulled backed by saying work hard or do a job to afford things. 
As a student, what I experienced is that we learn scholastic and professional skills at school, not financial literacy. So when people start earning money, they lack the decision of efficient spending and saving. By lack of efficient decision-making, I mean that we don’t know whether we should spend a particular amount of money on a commodity or not. Let’s take an example of a student who is a hostelite student. He will spend plenty of money on an outing, food, shopping, and other stuff and at the end of the month, he would claim that he has no money to spend. This is the story of so many people around us.
We need to understand the difference between assets and liabilities. Once we start earning we must spend efficiently on buying assets instead of just saving money and stockpiling.
Now what? Why children in school aren’t taunted some entrepreneurship lessons or some other ways to earn money? Why don’t we learn how to invest and save money? In this regard, the single national curriculum stance by our educational system has perfectly addressed this issue by incorporating some entrepreneurship lessons in the curriculum. It can be helpful for a cluster of students not only who are dropped out of schools due to some domestic reasons but to all the students who warn to earn in student life.
Who teaches us to earn money? Well, it’s either our educational institutions or it’s the subject of our home places?
We’re taught by a poor man’s financial programming where the poor man who is striving financially teaches his children to earn money through studying hard and getting good grades. Intelligence can buy you money but money without financial intelligence won’t last long. I mean financial literary is the demand of the contemporary era.
In a nutshell, there are myriads of entrepreneurship and earning opportunities for youth, they are either unaware of them or they don’t want to take a risk instead of playing safe. So, what students need to do is to explore opportunities around and avail themselves instead of waiting for the right time. In this regard I would cite the quote by Quaid-e-Azam reads:
“I don’t believe in taking the right decision, I take the decision and make it right”.




I am an academic writer who has a firm grip over contemporary world issues and other social and political issues